Do you hold any Pilot Licence? Standby!Yes, I'm an active Pilot.Not anymore.I'm in Flight Training!No, but I'm planning to.No, I prefer to fly as passenger.No, it's too expensive for me.No, for medical reasons. Are you working in the Aviation Industry? Choose an answer!Yes!No, not yet!No. Are you working in the Aviation Industry? Choose an answer!Yes!No, not yet!No. How long have you been in the Industry? Standby, I'm calculating!0-3 Years4-10 Years11-20 YearsMore than 20 YearsI'm retired already! Are you planning to work in the Aviation Industry? Standby, let me think.Yes, within the next 1-2 Years!Yes, when I finish high school!Yes, I'm in Flight Training!Yes, I'm a Pilot on Job Search.Yes, in Maintenance.Yes, in Ground Handling.Yes, in Air Traffic Control.Yes, but in another position.No, I'm retired.No, I'm not interested. Which topic are you MOST interested in? Choose one!Airline InsightsGeneral & Biz AviationFlight SimulationAir Traffic ControlCareers in AviationAviation Knowledge in GeneralPilot TrainingTechnical StuffNon-Tech SkillsAviation HistoryAircraft KnowledgeOther Which topic are you LEAST interested in? Choose one!Airline InsightsGeneral & Biz AviationFlight SimulationAir Traffic ControlCareers in AviationAviation Knowledge in GeneralPilot TrainingTechnical StuffNon-Tech SkillsAviation HistoryAircraft KnowledgeOtherI totally like ALL Aviation topics. Are you an active user of Social Media? Mmmmh - to be honest...Yes, mainly Facebook.Yes, mainly Instagram.Yes, mainly LinkedIn.Yes, mainly Twitter.Yes, I use ALL of them.Yes, but I use other Services.No, only very rarely.No, not at all. What kind of Information do you wish to find here? Tell us!Technical ExplanationsPPL KnowledgeCPL/IR KnowledgeATPL KnowledgeAviation Knowledge in GeneralHow to become a PilotFlight School StuffCareers in AviationAirline InsightsTraining & DevelopmentResearch InsightsFlight SimulationModel FlyingDrone FlyingHelicopter FlyingGlider FlyingMicrolight FlyingSeaplane FlyingOther Almost done, may we ask, in which age range are you? Tell us 😉0-15 Years16-25 Years26-35 Years36-45 Years46-55 Years56-65 Years66-75 Years76 + Years Anything you completely miss on Last Question!Absolutely nothing!Not sure, I like the content but not the looks.Not sure, I like the looks but not the content.Yes! (tell us in the next step) All done! Please click the button to submit your answers. This survey is completely anonymous, we won't save any personal information, not even your IP-address!